Hank is a three year old Great Pyrenees Anatolian Shepherd mix. He protects pretty much all sides of Goshen. Hank is one of the three dogs here at Goshen. He is so good with the animals and his best friend is Tiger, the Tabi cat. There honestly isn't much to say about Hank. He just runs free. Literally! Four foot fences can't get in the way of this fuzzy creature. Jumping them are just apart of his daily routine. When Hank isn't checking on 'his herd' he rests under the front deck, where he spends a majority of his time.
Stella gets a treat. |
Della is one of Stella beautiful babies. She is one of the more 'skittish' goats around the farm, but she will come up to see if you have a little treat. She mainly sticks to her mama's side but she's old enough that she can 'hold her own'. She is weaned from milk so they are no longer sticking together all the time. Though they do eat and lay together a lot. Over all she's the 'big kid' of the farm.
Della |
Stella miss Stella. Where do I begin? Stella is one of our beautiful milk goats. She produces about a quart a milking. She is one of only two of our full sized goats here in Goshen. She is a more friendly goat than her daughter and will come up and follow you around. She is so sweet and is the 'Queen Bee' around the farm.
What can I say about this little cutie beside awe? She isn't so friendly like the others but she is definitely the baby of this herd. She is the only baby not weaned and is still spending 24/7 with her mama. She wanders a little far from supervision but since the pen is in closed, we don't worry about it to much. She is never disappointing when it come to entertainment. She hops, skips, and jumps all over the pen. There really is nothing this baby can't do that won't bring you to say awe.
Suzanne. |
Suzannae is the other one of the two full sized goats. She is a beautiful milker and is the most well behaved goat on the place. There's nothing more striking than this goats markings. Suzanne is very friendly and loves to talk to you and spend time with you.
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